Info/About Me Page


Hello! My name is Petar, otherwise known by gamertag as Kizovani. Welcome to my website!

I built this website to showcase things I learn about web development and to have some fun building something that I thought looked cool.


I was a freelance video editor over the Covid Quarantine and had a lot of fun being able to express things the way I thought looked the best. It was just a matter of knowing how to use the tools I was given to be able to do whatever I wanted (and what the client asked for, of course). I loved the feeling of endless possibilities as long as I could figure out how to use the tools I had properly.

I got that same feeling after being given a default website boilerplate in one of my classes in university, and I wanted to see what I could do to satisfy the itch of the image I had in my head of what I could create. This website is what came out the other end.

Contact & Notes

Feel free to use the contact page to give me any more ideas for what to add here. Or if you encounter any issues with the site, please note that unfortunately, I cannot get the site (more specifically the 3D scene with the model on the home page) to work well with Firefox, and this seems to be a longstanding issue with the browser, as all Chromium browsers I've used all run a lot smoother with it.

Easter Eggs

There are some smaller jokes I have also built into the site. Try and find them yourself:

  • Both are on the main page
  • One is to do with playing too roughly with the avatar
  • The other has to do with the special cheat code of a certain video game company starting with a 'K'
  • There is also a way to reveal all of the "secrets" of the site on this page if you can guess and type out my favorite word

About the Site

Each page is a little different, so I will get into as much detail as I can about each one.

Title page:

The main/landing page was built mostly using three.js for the main scene, with the model being just8's "Angel" model lifted from sketchfab, since I really liked the way it looked. Unfortunately, I had to heavily reduce the original quality of the model (from about [PLACE ORIGINAL POLYGON COUNT HERE] to [NEW ONE HERE]). Then I used the ASCII effect in three.js to add a personal touch to it.

I found the animation on its own to be a little too boring, so I added the light controls to add some more fun to it. The actual aninimation of the controls menu (the range slider and on/off switch) in and out of the view is done with GSAP, which I heard about before starting this project, so I wanted to try it out for myself.

Up next was the menu bar. I wanted to make this look unique yet still fit the theme, and lo and behold, the great Google algorithm saw I was interested in HTML, CSS, and the 'menu bar' keyword, so it decided to recommend me this video from codegrid, a Youtube channel I had never seen or heard of before. So I incorporated much of his work with some small tweaks to make it fit the theme better. I noticed he was also using GSAP, which was a happy accident and helped me learn a lot more about some use cases for it.

Then came my Projects section...

projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects